Monday, 9 June 2008

Inline NASS Details Announced

Some details have been announced regarding the Inline events at this years NASS and it's looking pretty special so far. With the likes of Chris Haffey, Brian Aragon, Erik Bailey, Chaz Sands and Oli Short, all battling it out for their share of the £4.5k prize purse, it's goona be huge.
Route One also has a large team in attendance and these are the guys you really want to be looking out for: Andy Spary, Keir Lindsay, Paul Bates, Lee Mainland, Sam Currie, Zak Buys, Rich Barber and Tom Portas. (Sod the big names, everyone's seen them before!)
Route One will also be in the main retail hall; selling all kinds of discounted inline hardware, the team will also be hanging around so you can meet them and show the love, we'll also be running some sweet competitions, so come along and enter. It will be worth your time!
Click through to see the street course layout, which you'll be able to skate for at least 2 hours a day! Result!

Street course map:

Inline Promo Vid:

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